Being Ready…..
Hey Friends,
There is an ancient proverb: “Ready is the belief within a moment, not a moment somewhere in time”.
Readiness…this asks for courage. The position in your heart, an act of facing all the fears and doubts and hesitations until they’re no longer in control.
Easier said than done?
The present moment is the movement of space through your perspective. It’s interesting to realize that the moments of the past are always right there….they’ve passed through, as the moments of the future are right before you.
Until we make readiness active…like it’s a state of being…..our readiness is simply sleeping. So rather than denying the fears, concerns and doubts, we could allow them to sharpen our skills. Commitment is
the antidote to the stuck-ness the fears present.
Using Your Strengths
Knowing, understanding and using our innate strengths can make this easier, help us find “the flow”.
Strategic is one of my top strengths, and knowing this helps me lean in to using this natural tendency. Taking time to craft a path forward is a way to find my ‘commitment’. I like to find alternate patterns and scenarios. It just makes my path easier, more comfortable. Once I knew this about myself, I was able to reflect on past behaviors and say, "Oh that's why I think this way!"
Do you know your top strengths? What does this even mean? (It’s not about lifting weights…) YouMap® is a data-driven tool that combines assessment results in Strengths, Values, Skills & Interests to build the unique profile that is You. Reach out if you’re interested. I’m a certified YouMap® coach. The assessments I’ll send you as part of your YouMap® package will provide insights into what your “special sauce” is! And I’ll debrief it with you, so you can really take the insights forward and use them!
I'd love to know your thoughts on this~ hit reply and share if you're so inclined.
And if you or someone you know are contemplating coaching, I invite you to a no-obligation conversation call with me. It all starts with an idea!
Thanks for reading.......
X Lorilyn