Finding the Remarkable in the Mundane….

Hey Friends, 

Have you noticed? There are so many colors popping up everywhere....wild poppies in the sidewalk cracks and roses that have been tenderly cared for through the winter months.

There is a hummingbird patiently sitting on top of her two tiny babies, her perfect little walnut-like nest securely placed on the vine that covers my patio. I'm hoping to witness their flight into grown-up life! To the hummingbird, this is simply the way to be, Mother Nature's direction being lived.
This is the third little nest to have been created in that same happens every year. But I still find it remarkable.....amazing....(the intricacy of the little nest!!)...and so charming to watch!

I choose to find delight in discoveries like this.
Rick Rubin (The Creative Act: A Way of Being) says,
"Pay particular attention to the moments that take your breath away--a beautiful sunset, an unusual eye color, a moving piece of music, the elegant design of a complex machine."

It allows us to access something bigger, that is its spiritual component made manifest. 
And who knows what other discoveries or ideas this mindset might open us to?

Maybe the answer to that question you've been pondering.
Or that life decision you're trying to make. 

And I love this quote I found in Rick's book"
"Failure is the information you need to get where you're going". 

Then all of my missteps can just be looked upon as teachers...nothing is without purpose! 
I find this to be a liberating idea. 

I'd love to know your thoughts on this~ hit reply and share if you're so inclined. 
And if you or someone you know are contemplating coaching, I invite you to a no-obligation conversation call with me. It all starts with an idea! 
Thanks for reading.......
X Lorilyn


Being Ready…..


Day by Day by Day…..