Day by Day by Day…..

Hey Friends, 
Have you ever noticed how when you keep your mind open to allow thoughts and ideas to come in, all the Smart Peoples'
 words seem to be saying a similar thing? 

And then you think, "Oh That's what I'm supposed to hear!" 
(even though the message has been out there all along...)

Sometimes this makes me feel like I'm the last person to "get it" and sometimes I'm like....
"I am so smart!" 😁

Quotes Worth Reading:
Ok, so here are 3 Smart People's quotes I read this week:

"....our day to day lifestyle choices play a major role in charting our destiny as it relates to brain health & functionality."  Dr. David Perlmutter

"...success is the product of daily habits--not once-in-a-lifetime transformations."  James Clear

"Remember, you're not here to fit fit perfectly into You.
It's the stress of "fitting" that holds onto the known, but you can't hold what was, if you're going to embrace what is, and create what is to be."  Guru Singh

Ch ch ch ch Hard!

Lifestyle and habits seem to be the theme. I'm  realizing some change may be necessary for a few things in my life.
Change brings up fear of the unfamiliar.  Growth means there will be a lack of familiar patterns. And then discomfort. 

But staying with the older and more comfortable and familiar patterns requires a refusal to grow. 
And that feels stuck. 

New patterns eventually become familiar...and comfortable...and then we can feel and see the growth ...and that feels....Good! 

I can't help but see the analogy to nature in these ideas; as Spring begins her most obvious and brilliant appearance after all the rain we've had, the words 
Change and Growth seem to be written everywhere I look! 
And I can find inspiration there. What do you think? 

I'd love to know your thoughts on this~ hit reply and share if you're so inclined. 
And if you or someone you know are contemplating coaching, I invite you to a no-obligation conversation call with me. It all starts with an idea! 
Thanks for reading.......
X Lorilyn


Finding the Remarkable in the Mundane….


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