You Are an Artist....
I have a friend who is an artist. Anyone would agree; her paintings are amazing. She can draw anything.
I once took a drawing class from her and when I finished laughing at my creation, walked away convinced that "I am just not an artist"! Well, wait a minute.....
A Way of Being
In Rick Rubin's new book The Creative Act: A Way of Being, he says,
"We tend to think of the artists' work as the output. The real work of the artist is a way of
Being in the world."
I think one benefit of having an artist's mindset is the sense of wonder and awe towards even the mundane things one encounters every day.
Being in the moment, valuing play. Childlike innocence.
Rick says that accessing childlike spirit in our art and in our lives is worth aspiring to. If we haven't accumulated too many fixed habits and thoughts, it's easy to do. But change isn't easy!
I love this quote I came across:
"Growth is painful. Change is painful.
But nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you don't belong."
The Weight of the World....
The weight you carry on your shoulders is the weight you imagine existing in your world, not the weight of the world. This is the weight of your thoughts & your imagination.
That inner voice is the voice of your thinking & imagining. Your entire body knows what you're thinking and imagining. Burdensome thoughts can become the weight of your world.
What is something that is feeling heavy to you?
I'm picturing my burden and trying to change my outlook towards it. I'm looking for that childlike mindset to approach my challenge anew! I'm trying to laugh at the thing that feels heavy!
What if we were to approach a new habit we are trying to adopt with this mindset?
Would it seem lighter, more approachable? What if we made it more like a game?
Find the artist within you!
I'd love to know your thoughts on this~ hit reply and share if you're so inclined.
And if you or someone you know are contemplating coaching, I invite you to a no-obligation conversation call with me. It all starts with an idea!
Thanks for reading.......
X Lorilyn