Newsletter, Schmoozeletter…..

I HAD a plan......

It was January and everything. I mean, the month of commitment and change, right? 
I broke my own promise!   

Does that make me a loser?

Whether or not you are someone who made a resolution, or a list, or found your "word of the year" (I did), not sticking to a plan can feel like failure. 
That's a shaky time, when one falter can throw everything off!

I promised (ok, to Myself) to put out a message bi-weekly. And it was hard, scary, to even begin that. But I've done pretty well.....until....well, it's been about 4 weeks now. I just couldn't find "it". 
And then the critical mind wants to jump in and take over.....can you relate? 
We might even be ready to give up. 

Wait....not yet!

So I waited, trying to take the advice I've heard myself share.
Allowing this time-space to happen, I found the chance to just breathe. 

And I asked Myself...

Why do I want this?
How did I feel when I accomplished it in the past?
What if I give in, give up?
And then these words came my way:

"Rely less on intense action and more on vast intuition to inspire the exact action" was the message. Determine your outcomes with awareness, not intensity.  
Consciously breathe and courageously take the next step. And then the next.

And now I have something to share with you. I hope you can relate and find your next conscious breath....and take that next step! 

I'd love to know your thoughts on this~ hit reply and share if you're so inclined. 
And if you or someone you know are contemplating coaching, I invite you to a no-obligation conversation call with me. It all starts with an idea! 
Thanks for reading.......
X Lorilyn


You Are an Artist....


Walking As If......