Being Ready…..
There is an ancient proverb: “Ready is the belief within a moment, not a moment somewhere in time”.
Finding the Remarkable in the Mundane….
Have you noticed? There are so many colors popping up everywhere....wild poppies in the sidewalk cracks and roses that have been tenderly cared for through the winter months.
Day by Day by Day…..
Have you ever noticed how when you keep your mind open to allow thoughts and ideas to come in, all the Smart Peoples' words seem to be saying a similar thing?
You Are an Artist....
I have a friend who is an artist. Anyone would agree; her paintings are amazing. She can draw anything.
Newsletter, Schmoozeletter…..
I HAD a plan......It was January and everything. I mean, the month of commitment and change, right? I broke my own promise!
Walking As If......
This message is about how to decide not to let the critical mind rule, to get it to step back and allow other thoughts to move forward. Not so easy, right? It requires exercise and effort.
What Are You Thinking?
Do you have a 'busy brain'? Is there a lot of noise in your head? If I'm honest, I will answer "yes" to those questions.
Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life..
I’m writing this on the last Monday of the year! Wow. “How?”, we ask, “did that happen so fast?”.
Everything Has Rhythm
You know how the early morning sun brings kind of a magical, golden glow? How when it's early and still quiet outside it seems easier to breathe a little deeper and notice a little more?
A Fly Can't Bird......
Some people I'm talking with today feel an overwhelm of "input"....expectations. Comparisons.
It’s Summer and I’m Feeling Stuck….
I'm thrilled to be launching this newsletter "Musings from my Coaching Corner ". You are receiving this announcement because you're part of my incredible circle of friends. And I wanted to tell YOU first!
Using Minimal Effort
It’s been so hot here lately that the little fountain in my front garden has bird visitors coming & going all day.
Big Magic…
I was thinking about a friend who I hadn’t seen in a long time. She popped into my mind when I came across a book she had given me a while ago. “I really should reach out” I said to myself, and made a mental note to do that.
WE...Made One Shadow.....
I was on a plane last week, and happened to look out the window as we took off in time to catch the shadow of the plane on the ground.