Big Magic…
I was thinking about a friend who I hadn’t seen in a long time. She popped into my mind when I came across a book she had given me a while ago. “I really should reach out” I said to myself, and made a mental note to do that. And then, within days, I ran into her in a store I rarely go to, but for 'some reason' decided to pop in that day. You know how the next bit of the conversation goes, because this has happened to all of us, many times. Right?
Is this coincidence?
“Ideas are a disembodied, energetic life form”, says Elizabeth Gilbert in her Big Magic novel. (Thank you, I love that book!) She says that the only way an idea can be made manifest is through a human’s efforts, escorting the idea out of the ether and into the realm of the actual.
Ideas are thoughts…the stuff of brain activity. So if we are capable of manifesting the ‘seemingly random’ meeting of someone we’ve put thought to, what other kinds of magic can we make? This makes me think seriously about the thoughts I’m allowing myself to have. If our thoughts create our reality, then we really do have the power to make our existence be what we desire.
If you think about this for a minute, I bet you’ll come up with an example of something you’ve actually been thinking about, or working on, maybe for a while now. And it may seem like that ‘dream’ or that creative idea is just never gonna happen. And then it does.
Random? Maybe not…..
I’m throwing this out there as a reminder of the power we actually have. What’s that saying….”Be careful what you ask for…”? Cuz it’s likely to come your way if that is where your thought energy is being directed.
Thoughts become things.....choose the empowering ones.
This makes me think about my own mind activity.
Questions I’m asking myself:
What have I focused on today?
Are these thoughts likely to take my life in the direction I want to go?
And…..What can I do to feel like I have more power over my mind?
I love the potential these ideas make me realize. And I’m not suggesting that we have the ability for challenges to disappear…this is all the stuff of life, right? When we learn how to focus and dream and manifest and build the life we want, I’m all for the wonder and joy of that.
I’d love to know your thoughts about this. Hit reply and let me know!
And if you or someone you know are thinking about how coaching might help you get where you want to go, hit me up for a no-obligation discovery call.
Enjoy the last bit of your summer!
X Lorilyn