What Are You Thinking?

Do you have a 'busy brain'? Is there a lot of noise in your head? If I'm honest, I will answer "yes" to those questions. And if I was to put all those thoughts down on paper for you to see........what would my story look like? I might need to do some adjusting before I share! 

What are the messages in your head?

The next thing I need to ask myself is, "What kind of story am I telling myself, all day, every day"? 
Your body is always following your mind. With the simplest thought of "I'm going to go make a pot of tea," your body follows and you go make that pot of tea. So what about the other messages that are constantly flowing through?There are statistics that say 80-90% of our thoughts are not positive ones.  Well that only leaves 10% for creating the life you want to be living. Wait.......who's in control here???

I am the thinker of my thoughts~

What if we had the power to think only thoughts that serve us? Knowing the infinite capability of the mind, we are empowered to realize that this is within our capacity. That it's all about perspective, and choice.  But it's not easy, or we'd all be doing it.  As I'm working to understand and realize all of this, I had an epiphany of sorts. 

Quick share..... When I was little, I would sometimes spend the night at my grandparents' apartment; it was a little 2-bedroom place. But to me, it was like a castle. I had so much fun creating all my little fantasies and now just reminiscing about it I can 'feel' the warmth and joy I felt then. There was no judgement about the size or anything else; my mind 'knew' it to be special and amazing and so it was. I see that little apartment building through different eyes now, and this makes me understand the power I'm talking about. 

What will you choose?

It's that time of year when there's a lot of focus on goals, and resolutions and such. Perhaps understanding that working with an empowered mindset can make the difference in not only the outcome, but how you feel along the way?  ("It's about the journey, not the destination"....)

How can we begin to switch that percentage in our favor?
What if we start to really hear inside that noisy brain?
What are some tools that work well for you? 

I'd love to know your thoughts on this~ hit reply and share if you're so inclined. 
And if you or someone you know are contemplating coaching, I invite you to a no-obligation conversation call with me. It all starts with an idea! 
Thanks for reading.......
X Lorilyn


Walking As If......


Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life..